Saturday, April 6, 2013

It's Not Just Ok, It's Beyond Our Control

I'm not sure why this is coming up so much lately. I guess it's a sign of our times. Recently, a Facebook friend (yes, another one) posted a meme. It was a picture of a woman wearing rainbow stockings. Actually, the picture was mostly her legs, but it was fairly (though not completely) apparent that it was a woman. It could have been a femboy or trans, I'm sure, but that's not the point. The point of the meme was that you were supposed to 'know' that this is a woman. And the caption said "Rainbows. Not as gay as you thought". I have to admit, that gave me pause. Because here's the thing: if rainbows are 'as gay as I thought', the implication there is that this would be a bad thing. If it's bad that rainbows are representative of gay culture, then the implication goes further to suggest that being gay is a bad thing. And that bothers me.

Now, at this point, some of you reading this may be wondering "holy shit, is Destry gay/bi?". (Although there's only 4 of you reading this and you know the answer to that lol) But those of you who truly know me know that I don't just take up a fight only if I have a dog in it. I take up fights when I know it's the right thing to do. When I know, or feel, that I might be able to affect the outcome of a fight in a positive way for those affected, and I feel that it's the right thing to do, I do it. It doesn't matter if it affects me or not. It only matters insofar as it affects my sensibilities. I'm married. To a wonderful woman. So having the right to marry a man has no effect on me. But I think allowing it is the right thing to do. I believe that people are born the way they are, be that L, G, B, T, Q or hetero. I don't believe it's a 'lifestyle choice'. It's who you are. It's decided by genetics and hormones. For some people, it's not immediately apparent, and so when they finally 'come out', their friends and family might wonder why the sudden change? Not realizing that it's not a sudden change, it's just something that the person has finally come to realize, after perhaps years or even decades of introspection. It's not always immediately clear. But genetically, it's always been there.

And it's not always cut and dried either. Recently, on another blog I follow, a trans girl posted about how she hates hearing the names Ann Coulter, or Lady Gaga, because invariably, after some time, somebody will always make the joke that 'she's a guy'. Or "She's a tranny". The term 'tranny', is of course a derisive shortening of 'transexual' or 'transgender'. But the 'joke', made by these people, is that 'she's a guy'. And this trans girl writing the blog goes on to say that she can't get over the fact that these people don't understand how insulting they're being toward her and all trans persons. Because the implication is that a girl who might have a penis is a subject for ridicule. Just that fact is what makes the joke a joke.

A few decades ago, similar 'jokes' were made using racial slurs instead of sexual slurs. They're not different. They're no less offensive, no more acceptable. I think I've reached a boiling point with this sort of thing, and I think some of my 'friends' are going to start finding themselves with one less friend on their list, as I see these things continue. It may not seem like much, but it's a small contribution to the cause of defending LGBTQ rights. We all have the right to not be ridiculed for those things about ourselves which we cannot control.


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