Monday, April 29, 2013


World Wide Developers Conference 2013. It's just around the corner, slated for June 10-14. During this 5 day Apple-hosted extravaganza, it is said that Tim Cook is going to unveil plans for iOS 7, OSX, and will likely introduce a few product revamps that will launch in Oct - Nov of this year. The big, highly anticipated change to iOS is..... Drum roll please..... Flatness. What? Yes, flatness. What does that mean? Well, you know how iOS currently looks shiny, and glossy, and 3D? How the Notes app looks like a yellow legal pad, and the contacts booklet looks like a little leather notebook? These features are known as skeumorphic. It was something that Scott Forstall (recently deposed SVP in charge of iOS dev) and Steve Jobs were both fond of, but Jony Ive and Tim Cook are not. Largely because of the processing power (and therefore heat production and power consumption) needed to create these effects, but also because the market trend would seem to be leaning towards a flat UI, such as Microsoft's Metro interface, and even some of Android's recent developments.

So Jony has been tasked with developing a sleeker, flatter UI for iOS 7. I'm not yet sure I have any faith in Tim's leadership of Apple, but I do have faith in Jony's design taste. After all, it was Jony who brought us iMac, in 5 bold colours, not Steve.

Oh and apparently OSX is getting Siri.

Can't wait for it to happen so I can watch the keynote. Any thoughts?


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