Wednesday, April 3, 2013

H8rs gon h8 (is that how it's said?)

So, while I'm in blogging form, what's up with the Bieber hateage? I mean, hating his music is fine, we all have different preferences, but why hate him? He hasn't done anything to deserve personal hatred. He's a kid. He's a teen pop star, and good for him. He gets death threats all the time. I've seen Facebook comments talking about castrating the poor kid. Recently, I guess Justin said that he felt he was the Kurt Cobain of his generation. In response, I've seen Facebook comments to the effect of wishing he'd take that comparison all the way and off himself. Why? What has he done that is so bad that people want to castrate him, or see him take his own life the way Cobain did? I don't care for his music, but to each their own. I don't get this level of hatred for the kid.

I was young when Michael Jackson hit the solo scene, and nobody was hating on him like this. But not everybody liked his music. Britney Spears. I can't stand her or her music. But I don't wish harm upon her. I think maybe some people need to tone things down a bit. Hate his music, even hate him if he's doing or saying things you don't like. But until he commits a heinous crime, back off on wishing him harm. Seriously. Let the poor kid live his life. I know, some people are going to take exception to the phrase 'poor kid', and say sarcastic things like "oh he's got it so hard", and talk about how much money he's worth. But seriously, no amount of money is worth having to surround yourself with bodyguards because you know there are people out there who would love to kidnap you and cut your testicles off.

And that's not to mention the effect that his level of fame can have on a person with raging hormones and a still-developing mind. His recent displays of narcissism are a direct result of the fame and fortune he experienced at such a young age. With luck, time and patient parents and handlers, he'll get over it. I just hope his marketers don't just try to milk him for all he's worth and then toss him aside.

I'm tired. It's bedtime.


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