Thursday, February 14, 2013

Of Love And Circuses...

Love and War? Bread and Circuses? Ah, who cares? Love is a circus. Love is a rollercoaster. All you need is love. John Lennon, smart man, shot in the back, very sad. (Apologies to Judd Hirsch) Anyway, what am I babbling about? Valentine's Day Incorporated.

You all know what I mean. That one day of the year when if you don't do something for your partner, you must not love him/her. And if you don't have a partner, oh you poor, miserable, sad excuse for a human being. That one day of the year when you pay $150 for a restaurant meal that would normally have cost you $50. That one day of the year when you pay $60 for a dozen roses that would normally cost you $20 any other day. $40 for a $10 box of chocolates.

Why do we do it? I don't. I'm happily married over 2 years now, and we don't need to. If you ask us, it's the little things that matter the most anyway. Doing those little things for your spouse/partner on a daily basis shows them that you're constantly thinking about them, much more than a once-per-year box of chocolates will.

What did we do for Valentine's Day? Well, we acknowledged the day and said "Happy Valentine's Day" to each other, but that was about it. Aside from that, chinese takeout for dinner and playing on our computers. Romantic, huh?


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