Thursday, July 5, 2012

Top Cop Dead at 86

Sheriff Andy Taylor, Defense Attorney Ben Matlock and beloved actor Andy Griffith has died at the ripe age of 86. Andy was probably one of, if not the last of Hollywood's true 'heroes'. What I mean by that is those actors and actresses who, through their TV shows and/or movies, instilled wholesome decent values into the viewing public. Nowadays, Hollywood is just the propaganda machine for globalist governments. Everything on the big or small screen today has hidden messages and hidden political agendas. The Andy Griffith show was wholesome entertainment. Matlock was wholesome entertainment. He put away the bad guys, plain and simple. And they were always very obviously bad guys, no grey areas. Nowadays, the 'bad guys' are, more often than not, dissidents. Those who go against the grain, or more specifically, the government. Terrorism plays a large part now in movies and TV. Usually middle eastern terrorists, or former Russian Republic terrorists. Hell, if a terrorist had ever come to Mayberry, Andy would have had Aunt Bea fix him some cornbread and grits, and lectured him on the error of his ways. And it would have worked, too.

Andy Griffith's death isn't the final symbol of the end of an era. It's just one that made me focus on that end. And the beginning of the new one, for better or worse.


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