Friday, July 13, 2012

iPad wins the day

So I just bought a 3rd gen iPad. I just can't even begin to describe how awesome this thing is. You know why iPad wins over so many other tablets? Many analysts and bloggers will list off features and tout the quality and design, etc. But there is one factor that wins over all of them: when you pick it up, you just don't want to put it down, and that overrides any other consideration that the competition might claim to be able to do just as well or better and/or less expensive. There are good reasons for Apple's pricing and I'm not going to go into them. You can research interviews with Steve Jobs where he talks about that. What I will say is that I agree with those reasons and at the end of the day, what really matters is that you just don't want to put this thing down. It can almost replace your desktop and that's simply amazing. Of course, I typed this on my new iPad. 


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