Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Build up to Bilderberg, Quebec says 'non' to Student Protests

The socialist/fascist state of Quebec, that country within the borders of Canada, has decided to exercise their fascist ideals once again and tell students that they're simply not allowed to protest rising tuitions. They simply have no right to free speech, nor to peaceful demonstration. Which of course lead to decidedly unpeaceful rioting. Good job, PQ. Students have been getting more and more aggressive in their demonstrations of late, and non-demonstrating students are finding it very disruptive, as are local businesses. However, even those who disagree with the student demonstrations, and their methods, feel that the provincial government's introduction of Bill 78 is far too repressive, and tramples individual civil liberties.

Moving right along to bigger and brighter subjects, Bilderberg, or this year's Palm Tree Conference, is getting closer and closer. The Palm Tree Conference has been confirmed to be taking place at the Chantilly Westfield Marriott Hotel in Virginia May 31st thru June 3rd. Will Alex Jones be there? Of course he will. Will the Bilderberg group be there? We're pretty sure of that. It's not that far away, only time will tell. And it will be interesting to see what sort of info can be gleaned from it this year. Alex will keep us posted. Be sure to go to www.infowars.com and www.prisonplanet.com and follow and subscribe, as well Alex's YouTube channel at TheAlexJonesChannel. Subscribe, like the vids, and inform the sheeple.


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