Monday, May 7, 2012

Infowars and your health

So… May 7. And since March 23 I’ve lost nearly 40 pounds. Most of you reading this don’t know me but at 40 years of age, I tipped the doc’s scale at 341 lbs on March 23. That’s not good, even at 6’1”. I now walk the dog every day and have made changes in my diet such as cutting way back on sweets and breads, and increasing my intake of fruits and vegetables, as well as water. I’m now under 310, around 308 or thereabouts. My goal is 240 or better. Why do I tell you all this? Because we can’t fight the oppression of the globalists by being fat and lazy, eating cakes and cookies all day and playing video games. They’re going to steamroll right over us if we let them. If you’re like me and could stand to lose half a person worth of excess weight, forget about the infomercial ab machines, home gyms and whey supplements. Just eat right dammit. Get out and go for a walk. I don’t go to the gym. The only real exercise I get is my daily walk with the dog. But here’s the thing to remember: you didn’t put that weight on overnight, what makes you think it should come off overnight? Slow and steady is the healthy way to lose weight. Reassess your diet. Take a 20 minute walk daily. We are in an info war, yes. But your health has to come first or who will fight that war?


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