Friday, May 2, 2014

Civil war in the Ukraine / Star Wars is NOT a 'reboot'!

So, the recent news out of the Ukraine is that Russian-centric rebels have shot down two Ukrainian helicopters over Slavyansk. I dunno bout you Bubba, but it sure looks like it's about damn time to call this a civil war. As I mentioned in my previous entry on this subject, there's likely nothing short of a US invasion that will stop Putin. Now of course, Moscow hasn't been directly tied to any of the current activity in the Ukraine, but no analyst could deny that Putin is behind it all. He has intentionally destabilized the area, especially with his bold move into Crimea. Putin isn't a stupid man, far from it, he's quite a shrewd manipulator. He's well aware of how his actions in Crimea would have emboldened other pro-Russia separatists. And now he's going to let them fight it out, and ensure that he gives as much unofficial support from Moscow as he can manage. And being a KGB man, he knows many ways to provide support that a standard politician would not think of. 

So now... we have civil war in the Ukraine, and possibly a precursor to rebuilding the former Soviet Union, a great dream of Putin's. 

The other half of the title of this entry? Why are so many in the media talking about the upcoming Star Wars trilogy as though it's a reboot? No. It is not. Star Wars VII - IX is simply the next trilogy in the overall saga that is Star Wars. Sure, it could be seen as a rejuvenation of the franchise, but it's not a reboot in the sense of remaking the original story, as has been done with so many movies lately, like Robocop, for example. Or the three or four variations of The Punisher. Or the Batman saga, or Spider-Man. 

J. J. Abrams is not remaking the original Star Wars saga. He is simply in charge of the next part of the story. Stop calling it a reboot. 


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