Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The O'Reilly / Beyonce Issue, in a nutshel

When did entertainers suddenly become national, or even international, parents? Yes, they are role models, in the sense that the youth look up to them, and are influenced by them. But how does that make them responsible for setting a good example? Bill O'Reilly wants to bash Beyonce because her videos are sexual in nature, and aren't setting a good example for the youth. But why is it Beyonce's responsibility to set that example? Sure, a lot of kids look up to her. Sure, she has a major influence on the youth of today. But that doesn't mean she has a responsibility to anyone, or anything. She's an entertainer. That's all. Miley Cyrus and Justin Beiber too. None of them have a responsibility to set a good example, and parents need to stop blaming entertainers.

Responsibility falls squarely on parents, to ensure that their kids know the distinctions, and know what's right in those videos, and songs, and movies, and games, and what's wrong in them. I grew up watching Ozzy Osbourne, but you don't see me biting the heads off live bats. I've watched KISS, Sabbath, Priest, Zeppelin, Tull... I've seen The Exorcist, The Shining, IT... I'm not dressing up as a killer clown, mainlining heroin, worshipping the devil or chasing my wife around a hotel maze with an axe in my hands.

Thankfully, O'Reilly's target audience is his age and older. Thankfully, the youth will be making the decisions for our society, and they don't watch his drivel. Now as long as they don't try to emulate their entertainers, we might be ok.


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