Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Yes Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus

Myths. Legends. Bigfoot. Nessie. They exist in some peoples' minds, and not in others. Whatever they are, they've all come from some glimmer of truth, somewhere along the line. Whether that truth be that Nessie is a real sea monster, or that Bigfoot is Ron Perlman in a fur coat, there is truth in all legends' roots at some point.

A few years ago, I met one. Legend, that is, not Ron Perlman in a fur coat. One of God's own prototypes. As the good doctor (whom I am fond of quoting) once said, "Too weird to live, too rare to die". Alex, you'll be reading this at some point, I'm sure. I know you won't object. Alex has seen and been in a lot of shit in his young life. I say young, he's older than me, but not by much. In my line of thinking, I'd think the gang rape by bikers in Canada is probably some of the worst he's had to endure. He's my brother from another mother, and I'll always have his back, and always have my door open to him.

As much as I want to see more of you around here, all things considered I'd prefer to know you were back in Costa Rica. That jungle is safer for you than this one. Stay public, stay strong, stay hungry. But most of all, stay public. Deflect, distract, deter, but dammit, stay public. Learn that lesson. They don't want to target you when the spotlight is on you, because the spotlight will turn to them next. Paranoia is a healthy thing. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.

Illegitimi non carborundum. You have me. Don't lose it.


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