Thursday, November 17, 2011

Dudley Do-Right Strikes Again

Yep, that iconic hero of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police seems to be back with them as a full time constable. Only this time, Snidely Whiplash has gotten one over on him.

According to, Dion Nordick of Grand Forks, B.C., has seized two surveillance cameras that he says the RCMP had hidden in trees near his home. The flash memory cards contained in these cameras, he asserts, are full of images from various crime scenes and investigations, many of which are totally unrelated to Mr. Nordick, or the RCMP's alleged investigation of him.

I'm not going to rehash the whole story, if you're interested, you can read it here. Here's one part of the story I really get a kick out of though: RCMP Sgt Dan Seibel was quoted as saying “The fact that someone has committed a criminal act and stolen our cameras certainly is, I guess, a concern for RCMP and for our investigators". I had to laugh at that, because from what I've read, I don't see a criminal act having been committed here. I see the RCMP being caught with their pants down, and now I see them saying "please mister, can we have our cameras back that we left on YOUR property?" When somebody leaves something in my yard, and doesn't tell me they've done so, or when they intend to return for it, it becomes my property, not theirs. Nobody asked Mr Nordick's permission to put those cameras on his property, nor does it seem they had obtained a warrant for such. This, to me, and to Nordick's lawyer, is a clear case of trespass, and I would even go so far as to say littering. Nordick has/had every right to seize the cameras, and do as he pleases with them, in my understanding of this situation.

I'm sorry Dudley, I don't think Nell's daddy can save you from this one.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Yes Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus

Myths. Legends. Bigfoot. Nessie. They exist in some peoples' minds, and not in others. Whatever they are, they've all come from some glimmer of truth, somewhere along the line. Whether that truth be that Nessie is a real sea monster, or that Bigfoot is Ron Perlman in a fur coat, there is truth in all legends' roots at some point.

A few years ago, I met one. Legend, that is, not Ron Perlman in a fur coat. One of God's own prototypes. As the good doctor (whom I am fond of quoting) once said, "Too weird to live, too rare to die". Alex, you'll be reading this at some point, I'm sure. I know you won't object. Alex has seen and been in a lot of shit in his young life. I say young, he's older than me, but not by much. In my line of thinking, I'd think the gang rape by bikers in Canada is probably some of the worst he's had to endure. He's my brother from another mother, and I'll always have his back, and always have my door open to him.

As much as I want to see more of you around here, all things considered I'd prefer to know you were back in Costa Rica. That jungle is safer for you than this one. Stay public, stay strong, stay hungry. But most of all, stay public. Deflect, distract, deter, but dammit, stay public. Learn that lesson. They don't want to target you when the spotlight is on you, because the spotlight will turn to them next. Paranoia is a healthy thing. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.

Illegitimi non carborundum. You have me. Don't lose it.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

You Say You Want A Revolution?

Occupy. 99%. What does it mean? Ask Che Guivera. Revolution is upon us Bubba, like it or not. The occupy movement has snowballed beyond anyone's wildest dreams, but still has not reached anyone's true hopes. As the economy in the US crumbles, the tax woes of the working class and the tax breaks for the corporates comes to light, and tens of thousands sweep and 'occupy' public and private spaces throughout the nation, Che is living large. Right beside Orwell. That's right, I said it. Orwell. 1984. Revolution in the midst of big government tactics. Who will be the next Salazar? Or worse yet, HST? The good Doctor Gonzo sure didn't shoot himself. Somebody else did him that dubious honour.

And it's not just in the USA either. This revolution is global. There are different reasons on different continents, but there's revolution almost everywhere you look these days. USA, Canada, UK, EU, Africa, the former Soviet Bloc, North and South Korea, Tibetan China. You don't have to look very hard to see it. The world is on the brink, the precipice, of something... monumental. Good, bad or otherwise, monumental nonetheless. Get behind it Bubba, because it's not going to go away.

The good doctor told us we were living in the Kingdom of Fear. Boy howdy, did he ever peg that one. The Occupy movement is certainly one that Hunter could have gotten behind. I often wonder what he may have had to say about the current occupant of the Oval Office. I know what I think of that occupant, but it's complicated.

Occupy people. It's not showing a lot of results yet, but dammit it's barely gotten started. These things take time. Get behind OWS, get behind Dave Ridley (, get behind Ron Paul ( The Roman Empire made these same mistakes a few short years ago, and it seems much of America has yet to learn from that. Get the hell out of Iraq, get out of the middle east, keep a goddamn eye on that lunatic Kim Jong Il, and forget about chasing fictional characters in the sand. Bush used that so that he could get whatever he wanted out of congress. Well guess what? There's nothing left. America is broke. Obama doesn't need to keep up the charade, no matter how hard he tries, congress isn't going to give him $90 Billion. They don't have it anymore, thanks to Bush, Cheney, Rummy and Haliburton.

There's a saying around Washington these days: I'd rather go driving with Ted Kennedy than hunting with Dick Cheney. Go take a drive people, the swim will invigorate you.
