Saturday, June 15, 2013


Well, the 2013 edition of Apple's World Wide Developer's Conference has come and gone, and left us in awe. Do I have to say I want iOS7? Of course I want it. In my previous entry, I declared my faith in Jony's vision and I have to say, it wasn't misplaced. As for Tim, as I've said in the past, and it's more evident now, he's coming into his own. He's finding his footing and I think he's doing well.

So many things to blog about. From iOS7 to the new MacBook Air, to the new Mac Pro, including a wonderful quote from Phil Schiller, to wit: "Can't innovate anymore my ass". Loved it. I'm not gonna fill the page with a whole bunch of the same old pictures that every other blog is using. You've seen them, and it just slows down the page. But I'd like to discuss some of the new things we have to look forward to.

Of course, the big one: iOS7. It's flatter, it's not skeumorphic, no virtual cows or virtual trees were harmed in its creation. I can't wait to try it, but I'm not downloading the beta. That's for app developers to test their apps against to try and have their apps ready for the iOS7 launch. It's not for the average person to run on their iPhone. So while I really want it, I'll wait until it's officially released. It looks fantastic though. It's clean, it's smooth, it's functional.


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