Wednesday, August 29, 2012

SHTF prepping

What is it? Well, the SHTF stands for "s**t hits the fan". Basically, it's a reference to some sort of societal collapse or apocolypse. So SHTF prepping is preparing yourself for said societal collapse or apocolypse. I've been watching, out of a morbid curiosity, lots of YouTube videos that people have posted about their own preparations. And it's caused me to have a lot of questions. Or perhaps caused me to notice certain.. inconsistencies.

One of the biggest issues I've noticed is that a lot of people are simply buying extra groceries, storing them, and rotating as they buy fresher groceries, so that the stored groceries are always relatively fresh. Eating the older stuff before the newer stuff, which makes sense in that way. But here's the thing. If you're one of those people who believes the government is corrupt and trying to dumb us down and control us, if you're one of those who believe the global elite are trying to bring about a New World Order... why would you stock up on all the same foods that those people are promoting to you now? If you believe in this, then you believe that the GMO foods are bad for you, you believe that all the big name processed foods are bad for you, so why would you want to keep eating them after a SHTF event?

Personally, I'm not a fan of most processed stuff, but not because of the conspiracy theories, rather because I believe that the more natural a food is, the better it is for us and our bodies. So, if I'm going to store food for an SHTF event, I'm going to find a way to store natural foods, not canned ravioli, and sugary cereals, and canned vienna sausages. Call me crazy, but it's something to think about.


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