Thursday, February 2, 2012

2012, the End of Civilization as We Know It… ?

2011 has come and gone, another year over, a new one just begun. (Thanks John Lennon) We’ve got another US Presidential election coming up, and wow, do the Republicans ever know how to make fools of themselves these days. WTF are they collectively smoking? The lot of them have lost their minds if they think their ideals are attractive to anyone. Come to Canada people. Vote for a party, not a person. Admittedly our choices aren’t all that great sometimes either, but our system does tend to work better. Enough of the bragging, do your own research. Eric Idle said it over 20 years ago, maybe even 30, but it just seems to get more and more poignant as time goes by: “The world today seems absolutely crackers… with nuclear bombs to blow us all sky high… there’s fools and idiots sitting on the triggers.. ” Can a song more accurately describe the world right now than that? Of course, nevermind the rest of the song. Just those 3 lines. I are the 99%. And even being Canadian, this shite is driving me batty.

And what of SOPA and PIPA? Wake up people. Fight them yes, but watch our rear flank, because ACTA is sneaking in, and that’s the proper worry. It’s like fighting a couple Orcs while a Dragon sneaks up behind you. The Orcs will hurt you if you don’t fight them, yes, but you have to be ready for the Dragon or he’ll roast your ass nice and crispy. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Orwell is living large. It’s 1984, and it’s coming to a boil. The world is plagued with idiocy, and protest all we will, it doesn’t seem to be helping. The
Big Brother steamroller just keeps on coming.

I’m not in my usual blogging form tonight, but I had to make an opening post. Discuss, reply, but think before you post. Keep the hate out of it. A good debate can be fun and educational when people stay on topic, speak from a well-informed point of view, and keep their emotions in check. I will remove any posts that don’t fit that, but I look forward to those that do.
